Remote Therapeutic Monitoring
PrimeCare America’s Partnership network provides access to an improved reimbursement model to include Remote Therapeutic Monitoring(RTM).

Valuable Care
Remote Monitoring programs bring valuable care to your patients, making pharmacy an integral part of their healthcare team.
Generate Significant Revenue
With recent Medicare billing changes, pharmacists could potentially generate significant revenue and acquire new patients.

CMS has expanded their virtual care reimbursement programs to include Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM).
RTM codes have increased the eligible patient population for primary care clients by over 50%.
Hospital readmissions are costly but many of those readmissions are preventable.
What can your hospital do to minimize the high cost of readmission?
According to a recent report, 83% of the 3,129 hospitals were penalized after being evaluated under the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program.
Reports show that the average readmission cost for any diagnosis was $14,400.

Program Benefits
Patients who are enrolled in our clinical coordination program are 30% more likely to remain with that employer.
Patients experience a 20% reduction in hospitalizations and ER visits.
Health systems and pharmacies can add a significant revenue stream.
Potentially increase AWP reimbursements and reduce DIR fees.
Increase treatment completion rates on clinical opportunities.
Actively providing actionable insights to close HEDIS care gaps.
Help meet payer contract requirements.

Contact Form
Let our PrimeCare America team help you begin onboarding RTM patients with your existing clients!